Sunday, February 27, 2011

Assignment 6 - Danielle/Sandy/Larry/Tamara/Alex

This week we will be searching for a chiasm in Isaiah 43:15-21 (you may extend out verses either way if you wish to extend the chiasm)

Today when we met as a group I explained what chiasms are. If you didn't make it today, I will post a document for the lecture this week a little later tonight (Starbucks wi-fi and my computer are fighting).

Please post by Thursday midnight. Lily and Nicole McG have already discovered their versions of a chiasm so don't look at their previous posts. Try to come up with it on your own.

If you don't think a chiasm exists, you can say that too and explain why. That is certainly a possibility. This work is subjective and we may have different ideas. But the beauty of community is that we can generally come to consensus, and if not, we can gain new perspective and graciously disagree (and then consult scholars to see who's actually right). :-)

Looking forward to what you come up with!



  1. 15A) I am the LORD, your Holy One

    15B) Creator of Isreal your King

    16) Thus says the Lord who makes a way in the sea,

    16B) a path in the mighty waters

    17) Horse, army, and warrior

    18-19) "Remeber not the former things of old, Behold, I am doing a new thing; not it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

    20A) wild beasts, jackals, ostriches will honor me

    20B) I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert

    20C) to give drink to my chosen people

    21A) The people whom I formed myself,

    21B) declare my praise

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  3. Sandy Lesson 6

    A vs 18 Remember not the former things

    B vs 19B I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert

    c vs 16 Thus says the LORD, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters

    A' 19a Behold, I am doing a new thing

    B' 20b for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert

  4. Sandy, very nice...just flip your A' and B' so it mirrors the top and you're good to go

    Danielle (and Larry), you guys pretty much nailed it too. Just try to lable your lines so we know what goes with what - A and A' for example would be your outer lines

