Sunday, February 20, 2011

Assignment 5 - Danielle/Sandy/Larry/Carol/Tamara/Alex

The easiest step of all!  YAY!

The second step in the second part of the Inductive Method (Concentration) is Key Verse.  What do you think is the key verse of this passage?  What verse packs the most punch or summarizes the main point of the passage?  Why?

You may not all have the same answer, but that's ok.

Post by Thursday midnight.  Since this is an easy assignment, if you are behind in the other steps, this is a good chance to catch up.

Looking forward to your posts!



  1. Sandy Lesson 5

    Key verse: Vs 15 I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.

    Impactful verse: Vs 18 Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.

    This verse says to me do not hold on to the things of the past.

  2. I agree with you, I really feel that forgetting the past and focusing on the present or future is important and mentioned often in the Bible. Great job!

  3. Verse 20: The beasts of the field shall honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen,

    I feel this really packs that punch because we know we are His chosen and he provides for us and deserves to be honored. He is the Holy one, the Creator and we should forget the pass and not worry about what troubles we had because He will always provide for us as long as we give Him our praise.

  4. Sorry I’m so late with everything, this week and last guys. We’re moving someplace for a couple of months and I found out about it 2 weeks ago, so its been a little hectic.

    Key Words --Clay, your message really helped because I was looking at each verse for the key words (narrow zoom) instead of looking at the passage as a whole (wide angle)

    Former Things
    New Thing
    Chosen People
    Creator, King
    way, path
    springs (forth)
    water, rivers
    drink, honor
    sea, mighty waters
    Chariot, horse, army, warrior, extinguished, wick
    Wilderness, desert
    wild beasts

    Key Passage
    The key passage for me is v18 and the 1st part of v.19 “Remember not the former things, nor the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I find it packs the most punch for several reasons:
    1) the verse signifies a transition in the passage – The Lord first talks about what He has done, then this passage, then he talks about what He will do.
    2) I also believe I don’t completely understand what the Lord is doing, (the “it”) consequently it is the verse I think about the most, wondering if I am understanding correct, and asking for wisdom in understanding it.

    For those two reasons, that is the key passage for me.

  5. 1) Key Verse 17- Who brings forth chariot and horse, army and warrior; they lie down, they cannot rise; they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:

    2) Impactful verse 18- Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.

    The reason why that verse (18) is so impactful for me is because it lays it all out. When you make that choice of accepting Jesus into your life and giving it all to him, you no longer have to live that sin life anymore! Your a New person and yup :)

  6. Good work guys!

    Remember there are no wrong answers, but usually there are ones that are better than others :>)

    My opinion (and it is only an opinion) is that the Key Verse is 18-19a. Mainly because it is the pivot point of the chiasm (we'll talk about this tomorrow), but also because it is the topic sentence of God's speech. I feel that what follows in this passage is describing the "new thing" that God is doing or going to do.

  7. This is Tamara's post:

    assigment 5
    ver's 15
     talks of who the Lord is and what he did for the people.  God's mercy in the midst of Israel's un faithfulness
    ver's  21
    and How the Lord formed me for himself that I may proclaim His Praise 
