We have finished 1 of 3 main sections of the inductive method: Observation. Way to go guys!
I'm sure you have observed much that you would not have if you had just read through the passage a couple times. I'm sure you are beginning to understand the value of this type of Bible study. You all had great posts this week, and I am personally learning so much from you guys as we go through this together.
I'm late getting this assignment posted so I'll give you until Friday midnight this week. This week's assignment is very simple though, so it should be a welcome relief from the grueling process of observations.
The first step in the second major part of the inductive method (called Concentration) is finding the Key Words (look at the "Steps of the Inductive Method" post on the blog to refresh about where we are in the process). Look through the passage (Isaiah 43:15-21) and notice the words that are important to the message of the passage.
Then rank them in three lists (according to importance):
Primary Words (i.e. LORD)
Secondary Words (i.e. desert)
Tertiary Words (i.e. praise)
This is highly subjective work, so you will have different lists but that's ok. Remember that we are not trying to get the "right" answer, but we are thinking critically about the text and hoping to expose its meaning and then apply it to us (if it is applicable).
In the Concentration stage we are now moving into, we are beginning to make decisions about the text.
Thanks everybody!
Okay, so I finished this whole thing, but had trouble posting and lost it all, so here it goes again...
ReplyDeleteI can see how this is subjective but this is how my brain categorizes it at the moment:
I think the primary words are the WHO and the WHAT/HOW (action)
2- Holy One
3- Creator of Israel (I know that's three words but they go together)
4- Creator
5- King
6- They
7- Cannot - I put this in here because it is a definitive and that's important.
8- Extinguished
9- Quenched
10- Remember not
11- Nor Consider
12- Behold- I think this is a key word and one to pay attention to
13- Springs Forth
14- Doing
15- Perceive
16- Make a way
17- Honor
18- Give
19- Chosen
20- Formed
21- Declare
22- Praise
23- I
24- Me
25- My
26- Says
I think the secondary words are WHEN and WHERE
1- Desert
2- Sea
3- Waters
4- Wilderness
5- Now
I think the tertiary words are descriptive and give details and sometimes WHAT things are involved.
1- Your
2- Mighty
3-Lie down
4- rise
5- Horse
6- Chariot
7- army
8- Warrior
9- wick
11- Rivers
12- Wild
13- Beasts
14- Jackals
15- Ostriches
16- Water
17- Drink
18- People
19- Might
20- Former
You said it was easier, but this was kind of hard for me. Maybe I'm not doing it correctly or maybe I'm over thinking it?
Tony and everybody,
ReplyDeleteThis is a good lesson for all of us. Make sure you are doing your work in another document and then pasting it into the blog. Two reasons: 1) you won't lose valuable work you've done. 2) you will be able to keep your work for yourself later, long after this blog is gone.
ReplyDeleteThis is great! You took it to a new level. You mad it hard. :>) But that's cool...I like how you used categories to create the divisions...love it
The only thing I would give thought to is possibly making your primary words list a little shorter, so you really are focusing on the most important words.
This is awesome dude!
Clay, what words on my primary list would you think are not as primary?
ReplyDeleteThe only one I can come up with is Doing. =)
Well Clay, I think I nailed it to the cross this time. I'm speaking that out as it will manifest on this blog. Bless You!!
ReplyDeletePrimary Words are as follows:
v.14 Lord,Redeemer,Holy One
v.15 Lord, Holy One, Israel's creator, king
v.16 Lord
Secondary Words:
v.14 Israel, Babylon, Bbaylonians
v.15 Israel's
v.16 the sea, waters
v.17 chariots, horses, army
v.19 desert, streams, wasteland
v.20 wild animals, jackals, owls, water, desert, streams, wasteland, drink
v. 16 mighty
v.17 extinguished, snuffed
v.18 dwell
v.20 honor,provide, give,chosen
v.21 proclaim,praise
ReplyDeleteI don't want to get too picky...just a thought for when you do key words next time.
ReplyDeleteVery cool! You did nail it! :>)
Thanks Clay.-- Diamond Dave, I didn't see the words Babylon and Babylonians in my version. What version are you using?
ReplyDeleteSo far I'm liking this study. Can't wait to put it all together and see how we all come up with meaning.
PRIMARY Lord Creator of Israel
ReplyDeleteSECONDARY makes a way make a way
TERTIARY new thing former things/old
Holy One
thus says
who makes
who brings
remember not
nor consider
I am doing
I will make
I give
a way
a path
former things
things of old
a new thing
a way
mighty waters
This was harder for me too. Was there a post I missed that explained what primary, secondary, and tertiary are? I have the impression after reading comments and posts that my primary list should have been shorter.
ReplyDeleteI categorized (for the most part) in the following manner:
Primary: The primary actor (subject) and the action (what the actor is doing)
Secondary: Where and what the actor is doing
Tertiary: Further description of the action, more details
So, with vs. 16: Thus says the Lord (primary),
who makes (primary) a way (secondary)in the sea (tertiary), a path (secondary) in the mighty waters (tertiary)
Am I even close?