Monday, February 7, 2011

Assignment 3 - Nicole/Collin/John/Bonnie/Eric/Yolanda/Christian

Assignment 3 – Last Chance Observations

This is the last week that we will be doing observations.  You guys are getting great at this and it takes practice.  Try to look at my comments to others...they are meant to be teaching helps for all of us.

One more round of observations on Isaiah 43:15-21.  In addition to regular observations, also observe any sections or divisions that you notice and ask any questions that you might have (don’t try to answer them though).  Next week we will move on to the next major section in the inductive method.  It will get a little more fun and not as monotonous.  But every step after this is dependent on making good observations first, so make sure you finish this week’s observations!

Please post by midnight Thursday!  Then comment on at least one other person's post.



  1. Assignment 3 - (Observations):

    1) In verse 17, God "makes a way in the sea,
    a path in the mighty waters," while in verse 19b , God "makes a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." It is interesting that prior to him "doing a new thing." God makes a path in the mighty waters,while in verse 19b, his path IS the water.

    2) The "paths" created by the LORD:

    (16b) a way in the sea.
    (16c) a path in the mighty waters
    (19c) a way in the wilderness

    3) Sections:

    (15-17) former things
    (18-19) the "new thing" (pivot)
    (20-21) result

    4) (*note: All credit for observation #4 goes to my beautiful wife (& seminary graduate) Nicole. I believe her observations will reveal the root of my question.)

    Question: (v17) Why do "they lie'? Why can they "not rise?" Why are they "extinguished, quenched like a wick?" Is it by choice, self-inflicted?

    5) In verse 20, is God revealing his entire purpose for doing the "new thing" in verse 19: "to GIVE DRINK TO MY CHOSEN PEOPLE, the people whom I formed for myself that THEY MIGHT DECLARE MY PRAISE."

    6) In verse 20, why are "jackals" and "ostriches" mentioned specifically? What is unique about these animals?

  2. Collin- possibly these are animals found in the desert and even desert animals- will be pleased by the work God does in their natural habitat. God's work is noticed everywhere and affects everywhere.

    Here are my observations:
    1. The LORD is defined and described by relationship to Israel. (vs.15 & 21)
    2. Nature’s obligated to submit to God, man is not :
    a. Nature- Verse 16- 16Thus says the LORD,
    who makes a way in the sea,
    a path in the mighty waters.
    b. Man- Verse 21- 21the people whom I formed for myself
    that they might declare my praise.
    3. The beginning of the passage begins with the LORD declaring Himself and it ends with a reference to Israel’s acknowledgement of Him.
    Personal Relations of Yahweh
    A. LORD Identification (Name Exulted) APersonal Address Proper¬- I am the LORD (Yahweh) 15a ----A
    B. Relationship Address Proper- Your Holy One 15ab B
    *emphasized twice- personal identity is tied to relationship identity to Israel.
    -Creator of Israel- Your King (15ba-15bb)
    C. The LORD relates to nature (v16-17) C
    Destroys through Nature- D
    -makes a way through the sea/ mighty waters (v.16)
    - bringing forth chariot and horse (v.17)
    D. The LORD relates to experiences -D
    Past- refers works of power (v.18)
    Future- Promise (v.19)
    -New Thing(v> 19a)
    E. The LORD relates to nature (v.19-20) C
    The Wild beasts will honor me
    I give water in the wilderness
    F. The LORD relates to Man B
    -To give drink to my chosen people (reference to Israel’s special relationship to Him) (v.20d)
    G. The LORD Identification relates to Praise (Exultation—possibly by Man) A

    This is a chiasm--- God relates himself, to man and nature A, B, C
    God relates to Past and Future (Promise) D
    God relates to nature and man and Himself C, B, A

  3. Collin,

    Love your observation about the transition from a path "in" water to a path "of" water

    Good questions too!


  4. Nicole

    Your chiasm is similar to Lily's but also unique...I like it a lot...I need to live with it for a minute to see the whole picture. I like how you divided your sections up based on the chiasm.

    So tell me, what came first for you? The chiasm or the sections?

    Nice work!


    P.S. We will go over chiasms the next time we get together (the 4th Sunday of the month - Feb 27) so you can all participate in the joy of discovery!

  5. Nicole , I really like your concise unique observations
