Monday, February 7, 2011

Assignment 3 - Danielle/Sandy/Larry/Carol/Tamara/Alex

Assignment 3 – Last Chance Observations

This is the last week that we will be doing observations.  You guys are getting great at this and it takes practice.  Try to look at my comments to others...they are meant to be teaching helps for all of us.

One more round of observations on Isaiah 43:15-21.  In addition to regular observations, also observe any sections or divisions that you notice and ask any questions that you might have (don’t try to answer them though).  Next week we will move on to the next major section in the inductive method.  It will get a little more fun and not as monotonous.  But every step after this is dependent on making good observations first, so make sure you finish this week’s observations!

Please post by midnight Thursday!  Then comment on at least one other person's post.



  1. Sandy's Observations lesson3

    Vs 15 I am the Lord, your Holy One
    1 He is our Lord.
    Vs 16 who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters
    2 He guides our life.
    Vs 17A Who brings forth chariot and horse, army and warrior; they lie down they cannot rise
    3 The Lord is invincible.
    Vs 18 "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things old.
    4 The Lord wants us to put away the past.
    Vs 19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;I will make away in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
    5 The Lord gives us a new life.
    Vs 20 The wild beasts will honor me, the Jackals and the Ostriches.
    6 All will bow down and honor the Lord.
    Vs 21 the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.
    7 All are to praise the Lord.

  2. I looked at the punctuation for this observation –
    v. 15, ends in quotations, someone was speaking – Was it the Lord?
    Also ends in a period. End of the sentence, yet does it begin at v15?
    v.16 No quotations, authors words then?
    All descriptors of the noun, “The Lord”, separated by commas, ending at v17
    v.17 Ends in a colon, starting then of a list or separating the following quoted passage at
    v18? [Note, I forgot grammatical purpose of a colon]
    v. 18 Beginning of quotations again, Who is being quoted?
    v.19 Has a colon mid-sentence, then ends in a question mark. Who is the question directed towards? v.19b ends in a period.
    v.20 – 21 One sentence, multiple commas, 5 verbs, ends in a period.
    1. will honor
    2. give {water}
    3. give {drink}
    4. formed
    5. declare

    Hopefully I am starting to figure out how to make observations. Last week, regarding identifying Egypt, I was thinking about what the passage would have meant to the reader/hearer at the time, and also thinking of, {what I thought was,} the plain meaning of the text. I would say though that I did err by interpreting more than observing more in my comment last week.

    I think I'm commenting in the right group this time :)

  3. Wow looking good peoples! Paul and Sandy question- For number 1 and 2- Is he your Lord? Heres a better question are you considered a Gentile or a Heathen or a Jew or etc etc? Doing the observation we must remember not only the time but also who he was talking to- V15 "The Creator of Israel". We, of course know now that he is our Lord through Christ Jesus but (I dont know about you) During that time he would not of been Lord to all only his Chosen.

    And 2-He guides our Life- Hopefully you werent a philistine because that would have been some crazy guidance :) Good Obs but gotta remember not to make it personal.

    Alex-Your raising alotta questions which is good, I dont know if you read an earlier post but I think Clay said that in the original text . Here is what Senor Clay Davis posted on our first assignment about quotations-"2) There is no such thing as a punctuation mark in the original Hebrew, so don't pay much attention to those. The translators decided where those go and they might not always be right."

    Good Job to all and sorry I didnt post another set of Obs, but hey I get to observe what you all think and what triggers your thoughts which is interesting to know.

  4. Sandy,

    Good stuff...remember not to include us in this yet. Isaiah was writing to Israel at the time, so we have to be true to his intentions. Later we will see how it applies to us today.

    Thanks for your post!


  5. Alex,

    You are doing great! You are at a slight disadvantage since you weren't able to meet with us at the beginning.

    Last week, your observation about Israel and the Exodus was a good one. Normally we don't look to other texts in this type of study (that's called cross-referencing), but in this case, there is clearly a need to do so since the text itself is appealing to a past biblical event (the Exodus).

    Glad you're along for the ride! Keep it coming!

    See Larry's comments above regarding punctuation.


  6. Larry,

    Thanks for reading others' posts and contributing to the conversation. We need each other to keep us on the right track and your critiques are thoughtful, accurate, and presented in a good spirit.

    Love it!


  7. Clay,

    True, I have to remember that.

    Thank you

  8. This is Tamara's post:

    1. 15-16
    4.  21
    What dose it mean Iam making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland?
