Sunday, January 30, 2011

Assignment 2 - Shana/Tony/Lily/Teri/Nicole/Dave

Look at the Lecture 2 post

Observations on Isaiah 43:15-21 - use the ESV version posted on the blog

Make sure you aren't reading any commentaries or notes in your Bible.

Do a couple pages of observations (be thorough) and then post a couple observations by Thursday midnight!

Don't forget to comment on someone else's post from last week's assignment

Good job this week everybody!


  1. 1- God is Holy. (43:15)

    2-God created Israel and God is our King (43:15)

    3- God says not to remember the old things and to notice that he is doing a NEW thing. (v18-19)

    4- God is doing a NEW thing NOW and asks if we can understand. (v19)

    5- He gives water and rivers and ways through (a way in the sea. a path in mighty waters; a way in the wilderness; in the desert) [v16, 19,20)

    6- God formed/created Israel and his people for himself. (v15 &21) so that they might authoritatively tell about God's goodness. I see this in the words "declare my praise"

    Declare: "1. To make known formally or officially.
    2. To state emphatically or authoritatively; affirm.
    3. To reveal or make manifest; show."

    7- Animals can and know how to honor God. (v20) Because God says they will honor him.

    8- He speaks of drawing chariots, army and warriors into a path in the sea/mighty waters and extinguishing them so that they cannot rise up. He snuffs them out like you would a wick on a candle.

    Is he talking about Moses and Pharaoh's army and the parting of the Red Sea?

    9- The writer claims these words are from the Lord himself (v15)

    10- God uses four titles for himself: LORD, Holy One, Creator, King (v15)

  2. The use of Personal pronoun "I" was notable on verses: 15,19a,19b,20,21

    Water or similar to was used in several verses:
    v. 16 sea, mighty water
    v.19 rivers in the desert
    v.20a water in the wilderness
    v.20b rivers in the desert

    the word "Creator" v. 15 synonym to "I formed" v. 21

    The imperative statement, "make/s a way" was use twice v. 16 & 19

    Isaiah declare what the Lord says:
    who He is: v.15 Lord, Holy One, Creator of Israel,King
    what he does/did: vs,16-17 make a way, bring forth
    what he will do: vs.19,20 doing a new thing, make a way, give water, give drink

    Who is the Lord referring when he says, "they?" in vs. 17,21

  3. God is a doer:
    v16: The LORD makes a way in the seas, a path in the waters

    v17 The LORD brings forth chariot & horse, army & warrior

    v19 The LORD makes a way in the winderness & rivers in the desert

    v20 The LORD gives water in the wilderness & rivers in the desert to his chosen people

    God is the Creator
    v15 the Creator of Isreal

    v21 the people whom I formed for myself

  4. Teri, I like your observation that God is a doer.

    Lily, I like your observation about the use of the word "I"

    I also like your question as to who "they" are.

  5. Tony,

    Good stuff man!

    Normally we don't bring in other passages at this point in the study, but since the passage itself makes a reference to the Exodus event (a common theme in Israel's relationship with God), then it is ok to make that observation

    Remember not to include "us" in the observations. Isaiah did not have "us" in mind when writing. What is being said to the original hearers? That's what we are going for in the first step of observations. Later, we will attempt to see if the passage applies to us.

    I like that you looked up "declare." What is your source? Try to note that so we know if you are defining the English word or the Hebrew word.


  6. Lily,

    I really love one major observation that you made. It's so good that I'm copying it here in hopes that others will see it:

    Isaiah declares what the Lord says:

    Who He is: Lord, Holy One, Creator of Israel, King (15)

    What he does/did: make a way, bring forth (16-17)

    What he will do: doing a new thing, make a way, give water, give drink (19,20)

    Way to go!


  7. Teri

    God acts on behalf of his people. This is a very good summary observation of this passage!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. vs. 15
    The speaker (God) tells the reader who is speaking “I am the Lord, your Holy One”

    Written in the first person.

    God is speaking to subjects (people who consider him their King)

    God uses personal pronouns- YOUR Holy One, YOUR King

    God is the Holy One, He is the creator of Israel, He is our King.

    vs. 16
    No longer in the first person.

    The writer describes God by listing things God does.

    The writer describes God as the one who makes a way in the sea and the one who makes a path in the might waters.

    vs. 17
    The writer continues listing things God does.

    God brings forth the chariot and horse.

    God brings forth the army and the warrior.

    The chariot, horse, army, and warrior cannot rise, they lie down and are extinguished.

    vs. 16 and vs. 17
    The things listed in these verses are things that are powerful- mighty waters, the seas, armies, warriors and chariots, but they are made powerless. For example, a path is made through the mighty waters; the horse, chariot, army and warrior lie down and are extinguished.

    vs. 18
    First person is used again.

    God tells his people they are not to remember the former things, or the things of old.

    vs. 19
    God declares He is doing a new thing and it is springing forth.

    God asks if his people perceive he is doing a new thing.

    God states He will make a way in the wilderness and a way in the desert.

    God uses examples of things that do not usually occur in nature to describe the thing He is doing: A way in the wilderness (people do not usually travel through the wilderness, it is wild because it is not inhabited); Rivers in the desert (a desert exists because there is no water).

    vs. 20
    Here animals are used to describe the new thing God is doing (or what is occurring as a result of the new thing He is doing)- the wild beasts are honoring him.

    Water is again used to describe the new thing that is springing up (water again?)- He is giving water in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, and giving drink to his chosen people.

    Things are occurring in the wilderness and desert that do not ordinarily occur.

    vs. 21
    God formed His people for himself.

    God formed His people that they might declare His praise.
