Sunday, January 23, 2011

Assignment 1 - Danielle/Sandy/Larry/Carol/Tamara/Alex

Read Isaiah 40-44 and then make observations on these 5 chapters.  Read the whole thing through before making any observations.  At this point you're looking to get an overview of this section of Isaiah.

It's probably best to start a WORD doc or something to keep all your work in.  Then copy and paste your best work when you post.  Make sure you post on the assignment that has your name in it.  Then comment on at least one other person's post in your group (and any others that you want to).

Post your material by midnight Thursday.  That will give you time to comment on other posts by Sunday.

Here are the TOP TEN tips for making good observations:

10. Report what is said, not what is inferred
9. Look for repetition/variations/possible patterns
8. Use different lenses: wide angle and zoom
7. Don’t just repeat the text; observe what it says and how it says it
6. Note major changes in form and content
5. When possible, make charts/lists
4. Raise questions
3. Be cautious of generalizing
2. Make your observations a variety of lengths
1. Don’t hesitate to state the obvious
0. Note the verse(s) you are making observation about (v12)


  1. Clay- Did you want us to use the ESV version for these chapters? I have one of the other recommended study bibles but I plan on using the ESV verses that are posted for the main scriptures that we are studying.

  2. It would be great to use the ESV if you can. has it. You can also use NASB, RSV, or NRSV. It doesn't matter as much for the five chapters in this assignment, but you have to use the ESV version that's posted on this blog when we get to the passage in Isaiah 43 next week. Thanks Larry!

  3. Larry, this is Clay on Eric's account...sorry for the confusion...Eric, you've been hacked :>)

  4. This is just an idea of getting atleast something started.

    An observation of chapter 40
    Isaiah 40

    *Feelings-comfort(1), Tenderly(2), beauty,cry(6), withers(8), fades(8), emptiness(17), impoverish(20) rot(20),planted,sown(24),faint,weary(28)Power,strength(29)exhausted(30)

    *Places-Wilderness(3), desert(3), valley(4), mountain(4), hill(4), ground(4), grass(6), flower(6), field(6),water(12),dust(12),heaven(12),earth(12),coastlands(15),foundation(21),curtain(22),tent(22),root,stem,stubble(24)

    *Body parts and what we can do-mouth(5), flesh(5),breath(7),arm(10),voice(9),bosom(11), hand(12),hear(21),sits(22),eyes,see(26)run,walk(31)

    *People are grass(7),word of god will stand forever(8), gather the lambs(11)

    *Directing-get up to high mountain(9), lift up your voice of strength(9),

    *Gods attributes- might(10), his arm rules(10), tend to his flock(11),gather the lambs(11),his bosom(11)blows(24),strong in power(26), everlasting(28)

    *People/animals-God, spirit of the lord(13), man(13),beasts(16), idol,craftsman,goldsmith(19),inhabbitants, grasshoppers(22),princes,rulers(23)holy one(25), youth,young men(30)eagles(31)

    *Cities-Judah,zion,jerusalem(9), nations(15),Lebanon(16),jacob,israel(27)

    *Verses with ?-6,12,13,14,18,21,25,26,27,28

    *Verses with !-6,9,19,

    *Poetic verses-7,8

    This is just one chapter but Please comment so I know im headed in the right direction. Thanks

  5. Larry...great job! Very good observations. You actually might be getting a little too detailed for the overall passage of 40-44. Try to observe generally (wide angle lens) across all the chapters. We will dig in deep when we get to the smaller passage. You're looking for a general overview of the wider context.

    I like how you noticed certain groupings of various things and you're including the verses, which is very helpful.

    Here are a couple tips:
    1) Try to summarize in a complete sentence(s) each of these groupings. Now that you've noticed a grouping, observe something about the way those things are presented.

    2) There is no such thing as a punctuation mark in the original Hebrew, so don't pay much attention to those. The translators decided where those go and they might not always be right.

    3) If you're unfamiliar with Israel's geography, you might take a minute to look up the various places mentioned on a map. Just google it.

    4) I like how you noticed a poetic section. What about it makes it seem poetic to you?

    You are definitely on the right track! Keep it up man!

  6. Sandy's observations Isaiah 40-44

    The Lord comforts, strengthens and uplifts Israel.

    Is 40:1 Comfort, comfort my people says our God.

    Is 40:11 He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart

    Is 40:29 He gives strength to the weary increases the power of the weak.

    Is 40:31 those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.

    Is 41:10 So do not fear,for I am with you, I will strengthen you and help you.

    Is 41:13 Do not fear I will help you.

    Is 42:6 I will take hold of your hand.

    Is 43:1 Fear not, for I have redeemed you.

    Is 43:5 Do not be afraid I for I am with you.

    Is 44:2 Do not be afraid, O Jacob my servant.

    Is 44:21 Remember these things, O Jacob, for you are my servant, O Israel.

  7. Way to go Sandy!!

    1)God is always doing something or giving direction in the beginning of each chapter.
    40:1 comfort my people.
    41:1 listen to me in silence.
    42:1 I have put my spirit upon him.
    43:1 fear not for I have redeemed you.
    44:1 But now hear.

    2)Each one of these verses leads me to believe that God is always with us and always has been.

    3)I found our Motto... just pointing it out.
    43:19 Behold I am doing a New Thing. :)

    4)These two verses were written so gently which is why they read as poetic to me.
    40:7 The grass withers, the flower fades
    when the breath of the LORD blows on it;
    surely the people are grass.
    8(K) The grass withers, the flower fades,
    but the word of our God will stand forever

  8. Sandy,

    I like how you are noticing verses that carry a similar theme...make sure you let us know directly so we follow what you're doing. For instance, almost the last half of the verses you noted dealt with fear. Way to go for noticing that. That was a theme I overlooked until I saw your observations. This is why this is so cool to do this together rather than alone. We each see things differently and we get a new perspective.

    When noting several verses on a similar theme, write a sentence or two that observes how the author works that theme in.

    Great job! Glad you're with us again this semester!

  9. Larry,

    You are an over-achiever man! Way to go! More stuff, I love it.

    Responding to each of your points:

    1) Noticing how each chapter starts is brilliant

    2) I like how you noticed God's presence with us, but for observation, try to keep yourself out of the picture (I know it's hard but we'll get to that later). Try to stick to the original author and his/her original audience.

    3) The NEW Series that Pastor has been preaching from comes from Isaiah 43. Congrats! You are the first one that has noticed why I picked this passage!

    4) I would actually include verse 6 with this poem as well. We will do some poetic analysis later on, but what makes it seem like poetry to me is the use of repetition and how the author compares and contrasts humanity and God (see Pastor Nicole's comment on litotes in her post)

    Good stuff man!

  10. I'm new to this stuff and had a hard time but I wanted to post something anyways...better late then never....

    I think these chapters show a lot of characteristics of God, he's comforting (40:1), provides (44:3-4), jealous (42:15-17), a (our) rock (43:11-13)(44:8), a teacher (44:9-17)
    , loving (44:21-22), redeemer (44-24), forgiving (43:25), caring (41:13), motivating (40:31), protective(43:2)

    This passage really stood out to me because it just shows that it doesn't matter who you are or where you live, God is there for you and believes in you and has not forgotten you.

    Isaiah 41:9-10
    9) you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off;
    10) fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

  11. Great job problem on being least you posted something!

    Love how you pointed out the characteristics of God and labeled them with the various roles and corresponding verses.

    I also like how you personally got involved with the verse and shared how you were spiritually encouraged by it. Typically, in observations, we try to focus on what the original hearers were experiencing and then apply it to ourselves at the very end of the study. But part of this group is also sharing the impact that God's Word has on us, and how can anyone argue with that! :>)

    Great job!

  12. My apologies this is so late.

    Reading the passages over I felt there were two thoughts / patterns: God gives comfort to Israel, shows His care for Israel, and His mighty power and alternately shows his discipline. Fallacy of idol worship is logically shown. Supremeness of God is carried as a theme. For me, I found the repetition of these themes reinforcing each other – The Lord is supreme and all powerful, all knowing while the false idols have nothing and worship of them is silly (44:20), detestable (41:24) and shameful (42:17), while Israel, His chosen people continue to question.

    Thinking a lot of the figures of speech, much is used of both personification and intensification –“I will make you a threshing sledge…reduce the hills to chaff” – 41:15-16, “I say to the North, give them up” 43:6. “..dust of the earth in a basket, weighed the mountains on the scales….” 40:12, “the islands have seen it and fear” 41:5.

    I am confused about the phrase: “do not be afraid, O worm Jacob…” (41:14). I think that’s referring to the change faith in the Lord will bring, from being a worm to being a “threshing sledge” (41:15), I’m just a little puzzled by the choice of metaphor, however I’m guessing that had clearer meaning at the time.

  13. Larry -- I read your first comment wrong at first, I thought those were the number of times those words occurred instead of the verse(s) it was found in -- It caused me to go back through Chapter 40, and count, until I realized my error. I confess it took me so long to figure out my error, I then read Message Bible to see if that drastically changed my word count. It didn't of course until I figured it out. I enjoyed your enumeration of these specifics, I felt there were three themes to Ch 40, Verses 1-17, the love of the Lord, 15-24, those who appear powerful are not, and Verses 25-31 -- faith in the Lord. Just how that chapter appeared to me.

  14. Alex,

    So glad you're in on this man. Your observations are excellent, and I like how you summarized the whole passage with the theme of God's sovereignty and the folly of idol worship. Definitely a major portion of the passage covers these themes.

    I like how you also asked a question relating to the text. When doing the first step of observations, try not to answer the question yet...we will get to some questions later on in another step.

    I also like your response to Larry and how you outlined chapter 40's major sections...that skill will be helpful later on as well.

  15. Hey everybody!

    Larry called me out today on a commented I posted on someone else's where I included myself in the observation when we are supposed to stick with the original audience.

    Nice work Larry! I did that just to see if you would notice. Just kidding...don't be afraid to call me out too if you see me breaking the rules. I'm in this with you guys too and I certainly am not an expert.

  16. I am posting Tamara's comment for her:

    Isaiah 40
    1.  Isarel's release from captivity  comfort of the people say's God  ver 1
    return of the lord  ver 2
    words were comfort prepare the way  ver3
    A voice of one calling 
    A voice say's cry out ver6 you  who  ver9 a soverign Lord ver 10
    A Shepherd who care for His children ver 11
    The helper of Isarel
    ver 2-3  He hands  He turns  He pursues He who
     verses 6-9 say's I the lord   I will    I am
    Ver 10-17 song of Praise to the lord Gods sorrow over spiritual decay
    verse 1-4   created you formed you fear not  I will be with you despite that mistake  God show is grace and mercy

  17. Way to go Tamara...I know this seems hard sometimes, but the important thing is you are studying God's Word and being transformed by it!

