Sunday, January 30, 2011

Assignment 2 - Nicole/Collin/John/Bonnie/Eric/Yolanda/Christian

Look at the Lecture 2 post

Observations on Isaiah 43:15-21 - use the ESV version posted on the blog

Make sure you aren't reading any commentaries or notes in your Bible.

Do a couple pages of observations (be thorough) and then post a couple observations by Thursday midnight!

Don't forget to comment on someone else's post from last week's assignment

Good job this week everybody!


  1. Nicole McGlashen- Observations for Isaiah 43:15-21
    1) Lord is defined 4 ways: (v.15)
    a. The LORD
    b. Your Holy One (implies “belonging”)
    c. The Creator of Israel
    d. Your King (relationship affirmation to Israel)
    2) The Lord confronts Israel in the form of a diatribe- God the speaker questions the audience to pose a new thought. Contrasting the acts of the Exodus to the new work soon to spring forth. (v.16-19)
    3) God gives pre-word to Israel…Declaration (v.19a)
    4) Were the things of old commonly understood within the community of Israel?
    a. Way in the sea…(v.16a)
    b. Path in the mighty waters.. (v.16b)
    c. Army and warrior lie down…(v.17)
    5) Israel in the past was in “need” of God to act---he performed acts of power before- hence Exodus references. What is the reason he is to do a “new thing?” (v.16-19)
    6) Is the past an overall template for the future of God’s acts? Since God refers to the past?
    7) God controls the immensity of “waters”--- used to preserve and produce life and to display wrath:
    a. Wrath: bringing down of army and warriors (v. 17)
    b. Produce life: “I give water to the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” (v. 20b)

  2. Collin McGlashen- Observations for Isa. 43:15-21 (Just a few)

    1) God declares he is four things: (v.15)
    a. The Lord
    b. Your Holy One
    c. The Creator of Israel
    d. Your King

    2) God brings forth four things: (v.17)
    a. Chariot
    b. Horse
    c. Army
    d. Warrior

    3) “It” springs forth on its own. The Lord brought forth the chariot, horse, army and warrior in (v.15-17)

    4) God, The Pathmaker:
    a. Makes a way in the sea (v.16b)
    b. Path in the mighty waters (v.16c)
    c. Make a way in the wilderness (v.19c)

    5) God the Rainmaker:
    a. rivers in the desert (v.19d)
    b. water in the wilderness (v.20c)
    c. rivers in the desert (v.20d)
    d. drink to my chosen people (v.20e)

  3. V15 – The Lord makes His self personal to Israel “your Holy One” & “Creator of Israel” “your King”
    V16 – Israel’s exodus from Egypt, parting of the Red Sea and annilhation of the Egyptian Army (v.17)
    v.18 – Remember not the former things (I believe is referring to the time of slavery in Egypt) nor the things of old
    v.19—This passage causes me a little confusion however, I think the Lord is asking the Israelites to not expect the same from their Lord, but to understand that the Lord can do everything, and what is currently happening is from the Lord, and they should see the Lord’s work in this. (I may be completely off base there)
    v.20 I understand as referring to God sustaining the Israelites within the wilderness, nourishing them, because the Lord again identifies the Israelites as His Chosen people
    v.21 – I read this as understanding this is one of the purposes of the Israelites, —“declaring the Lord’s praise” should they choose to (“might declare my praise”) –

    That passage seems like a song to me also – v.15-17 and second part of v. 19 – 21 are the stanzas and v. 18-19 is the chorus. Just how it appears to me.

  4. Hey Group 1 heres my question for some of you-

    Nicole how can you make an observation using verses from exodus when the assignment does not tell us to use other books or verses other than what we have???

    Collin- How do you know God brings forth the for items that you posted?? V17

    Alex- Same question for you bud, how can you make that observation on V17 and mix it with the parting of the redsea, exodus from Egypt and the Egyptian army, If you only look at the scriptures for the assignment how are you able to make those observations when there not stated?

  5. Nicole,

    I like your diatribe observation. I noticed a diatribe in the larger context last week, but i hesitated to call it that because I thought a diatribe was a greek term so i didn't know if I could apply it to the OT. What do you think?

    For those that don't know, a diatribe is when the speaker is having an imaginary conversation with the listener. Asking hypothetical questions is a good clue that it might be a diatribe (see my sample observations from last week)

  6. Collin!

    I love how you so effectively and concisely present your observations. It takes time, effort, and creativity to pull that off.

    Love it! Everybody take's simple but well thought out and organized


  7. Alex

    I really like how you noticed the personal relationship that God implies when he says "your King".

    Be careful in this first step of observations...try not to make any decisions about what the text MEANS...try to only report on what the text SAYS and HOW it says it

    Good stuff though man...thanks for your post...we all get a different perspective when we share the Word with each other


  8. Larry

    Love how your raising concerns from others' post. And you're doing it in a nice way and not an abrasive way, so that's cool. Nicole, Collin, and Alex, what do you have to say for yourselves?!!?



  9. God is getting busy in this text:

    v16 - who MAKES a way
    v17 - who BRINGS forth
    v19 - I am DOING a new thing
    v19 - I will MAKE a way
    v20 - for I GIVE water
    v21 - whom I FORMED for myself

    God will provide guidance:

    v16 - a WAY in the sea
    v17 - a PATH in the mighty waters
    v19 - a WAY in the wilderness
    v19 - and RIVERS in the desert (a river can be used as guidance)

    Then a change in the meaning of river as it is used to nourish:

    v20 - rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people

    BTW -- Sorry about being late on the post.

  10. Eric,

    Glad you finally graced us with your presence! :>)

    I like how you noticed all the verbs that God is doing / has done

    Also, good observation of the usefulness of the rivers, and noting all the possible meanings without making a firm decision yet.

    Looking good man!

