Thursday, March 31, 2011

Assignment 8 - Everybody post here

Link to Cultural Analysis

For the cultural analysis, I couldn’t use every suggestion you guys gave, but I mostly focused on three motifs: God as Redeemer, the significance of Water and Wilderness, and the mention of Jackals and Ostriches.  I have selected readings on those various topics.  It is a 20-page pdf (link above), but I have made it very easy on can skim through and read only the circled/underlined parts very quickly and then read in more detail if you like.

After you’ve read/skimmed through it, please post a paragraph or so of your thoughts and interactions with the readings by this Sunday morning! We will not do this one in three groups...everyone post here.

I would also love to meet this Sunday, April 3 in my office at 10:15 to go over our readings and get everyone on the same page.  Let me know if you can make it!

Love studying the Scriptures with you guys...this step has personally given me a lot of meaningful insight into the interpretation of this passage!


1 comment:

  1. Sandy Lesson 8

    The reference to water (life)in vs 16,19 and 20 it is understandable that biblical authors would associate a "flowing spring" or water as "God's goodness". Wilderness in vs 19 and 20 a desolate area, water brings forth life to dead land. The reference to ostriches and jackals in vs 20, ostriches considered unclean and jackals "wolflike", even the most undesireble will show honor.
