Sunday, September 25, 2011

Exercise 2: Passage Observations

We had great participation on the first exercise!  Very proud of you guys...the observations were thoughtful and followed the guidelines very well.

This week, continue observations on the four commission stories, but focus only on the passages as listed in the posted Scripture

To save space and keep our posts concise, do your work on a separate document and then select some of your best work to post, rather than posting everything.  This will encourage us to read each others' work.

Click here to go to that post: Our Passages


  1. Matthew 28:18-20
    Encountering Christ

    1. Claim to Authority
    Jesus has been given all authority in Heaven and Earth (28:18)

    2. Make Disciples
    Make disciples of all nations by baptizing and teaching (28:19-20)

    3. Promise to stay with us
    Behold, I am with you always until the end of the age (28:20)

    Who do “all nations” refer to in 28:19?

    Mark 16:15-18
    Believing Christ

    1. Proclaim the gospel
    Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation

    2. There is power/strength for those who believe
    Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, whoever does not believe will be condemned (16:16) (The importance here is on belief)

    Cast out demons, speak in new tongues, pick up serpents with their hands (16:17-18)

    What did baptism entail? What are the consequences if one is not baptized?

    Luke 24: 44-49
    Accepting Christ

    1. Understand scripture

    2. Repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem (24:47)

    3.Power and strength in Him
    I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high (24:49)

    John 20: 21-23
    Power in Christ

    1. Living Sent
    As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you. (20:21)

    2. Power in the Holy Spirit
    Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven. If you withhold forgiveness for any, it will be withheld. (20:22-23)

  2. Great observations Christine. I like your question about baptism. I was wondering that myself.

  3. Observations on the passages
    Matthew 28:18-20:
    - Jesus is speaking
    - He has been given all authority (on heaven and earth)
    - He gave instructions to the 11 disciples to–GO Make: disciples of ALL nations; Baptizing: in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit; Teaching: to observe ALL that I commanded you
    - He said He is with you ALWAYS to the end of time

    Mark 16:15-18
    - Jesus is speaking
    - He gave instructions to the 11 to–GO into ALL the world proclaiming the gospel to the WHOLE creation
    - He said whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; those who don’t believe will be condemned
    - He further said signs will accompany believers: casting out demons (in His name); speaking in new tongues; picking up serpents with their hands; won’t be hurt if they drink any deadly poison; healing the sick

    Luke 24:44-49
    - Jesus is speaking:
    - He told them (the disciples) that what was written about Him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and Psalms had to be fulfilled
    - He opened their minds to the Scriptures saying that he would suffer, rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to ALL nations beginning in Jerusalem
    - He said the disciples were witnesses of these things
    - He was sending them the promise of His Father
    - He told them to stay in the city till they received power from on high

    John 20:21-23
    - Jesus is speaking:
    - He said to them “peace” and He was sending them like His Father sent Him.
    - He breathed on them the Holy Spirit
    - He further said that if they forgave anyone’s sins, they would be forgiven. But if they withheld forgiveness, it would be withheld. (Is there a time we can withhold forgiveness? If so, under what circumstances is it allowed?)

  4. Matthew 28:18-20

    Jesus testifies about himself and is announcing his own authority. (28:18)

    The scope of his authority is everything in Heaven and on Earth. (28:18)

    After establishing his authority he then commands/gives orders. (28:19&20)


    • Make disciples.
    Scope: All Nations.
    • Baptize the disciples.
    Shows how: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    • Teach the disciples.
    Specifically: to do all he commanded.

    Jesus Gives Comfort:

    • He will never leave them.

    Mark 16: 15-18

    Jesus commands them to go into the world. (16:15)

    Purpose: To proclaim the gospel (16:15)
    To: The whole creation! (16:15)

    Some will believe and some will not. (16:16)

    For the ones who believe and are baptized there is salvation, and there are actual signs to prove it. (16:16-18)

    Signs include: (16:17-18)

    • They will cast out demons in the name of Jesus
    • They will speak in new tongues
    • They will pick up serpents with their hands. I wonder if serpents are snakes?
    • If they were to drink deadly poison it will not hurt them. (the other signs will happen this is the only one that has an “if” attached to it)
    • They will heal the sick by laying their hands on them.

  5. Luke 24:44-49

    Jesus is reminding them about another conversation (while he was still with them).
    Is Jesus not with them now? What exactly does he mean by that? (24:44)

    Jesus says there are things written about him. (24:44) I find that interesting.

    He says everything written about him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.

    This makes me want to know what those things are and to see what has been fulfilled and what hasn't.

    He opened their minds to understand the scripture. Is this a supernatural act or just a teaching?

    He said it is written, that the CHRIST should suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. In that statement combined with his inference that the things written about in the Law of Moses etc. refers to him, indirectly testifies about himself and his authority. (24:44 &46)

    So, he says he should:

    • Suffer
    • Rise from the dead
    on the third day

    He also says: (24:47)

    • Repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name
    Repentance of sins proclaimed
    Forgiveness of sins proclaimed.


    • To all nations

    Speciality given to Jerusalem first.

    They are witnesses of these things? Is he referring to this conversation that he is revealing himself as the Christ to them?

    And, behold. I think this type of set up means something specifically but I don't know what yet. (24:49)

    Jesus said he is sending the promise of his Father... upon them.

    What is the promise? Normally if you send something it's TO somebody not UPON them.

    Since he just commanded them to go, he says "but wait, before you go, stay in the city until you receive the power from on high." (24:49)

    He said they will be clothed with power. Is that poetic or does it mean something more?

    John 20:21-23

    Jesus sends them AGAIN. He repeats himself and sends them peace and compares his own situation of being SENT to him sending them. (20:21)

    He breathed on them and said to them to receive the Holy Spirit. (20:22)

    Is this symbolic or is his breath merely the vessel to send the Holy Spirit?

    It is interesting that he didn't just give them the Holy Spirit, but told them to receive it. Does this mean that there is a conscious act that they need to do in order to have the Holy Spirit?

    After they are told to receive the Holy Spirit Jesus then says that if they forgive the sins of ANY, they are forgiven.
    Does this mean that they have the discretion?
    Since they have apparently received the Holy Spirit, does that mean that the Holy Spirit has authority to forgive sins? Is it the Holy Spirit in Jesus that allows him to forgive sins?

    I find it interesting that it didn't end there, but then says "If you withhold forgiveness from ANY, it is withheld." (20:23)

    It didn't need to say that. It could have left it at forgive any and they are forgiven. I believe this is important. Let's find out together if it is.

  6. Exercise 2

    Matthew 28:18-20

    All authority has been given to Jesus in heaven and in earth. Jesus says go disciple, baptize and teach in all the nations.

    Mark 16:15-18

    Proclaim the gospel in all creation, those who believe in baptism will be saved.
    The signs that accompany belief are casting out demons, speaking in tongues, picking up serpents with their hands, drinking poison and not being hurt and healing the sick.

    Luke 24:44-49

    The Law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled. Minds were opened to scriptures. All the nations should proclaim repentance and forgiveness.

    John 20: 21-23

    The Father has sent me, peace be with you. Forgive the sins of any.

    Matthew and Mark speaks of putting feet to your faith and "baptism" being emphasized in both. Luke and John speaks of what is in the heart should be proclaimed, "forgiveness" being emphasized in both.

  7. Matthew
    Jesus speaking with authority and commands us to spread his word.

    Jesus tells us to spread the gospel, and also to believe in it and be baptized so that we may be saved. Also tells of the power of his name being able to cast out demons and heal the sick.

    Jesus says that the scripture will come true; he will die, be ressurected, and in his name, sins will be forgiven.

    Jesus is telling us to continue his work here on Earth. And through the Holy Spirit our sins will be forgiven.

  8. Good stuff everybody!

    Christine, I like how you are categorizing things

    Roy and Sandy, good summaries of the passages...macro/wide lens...notice some things in the micro as well, so you have a mix

    Inger, good reporting on what is in the text and not interpreting what is there

    Tony, your observations this time will serve you well in the outline step when we get there in a couple weeks

    Still waiting to hear from a few of you! Get 'er done!!
