Sunday, September 18, 2011

Exercise 1: Chapter Observations

Read Matthew 28 / Mark 16 / Luke 24 / John 20 and then make observations on these 4 chapters.  Treat each one as separate and do not compare them.  Don't look at any commentary or notes in your Bible.  Use the ESV version only ( or  Read the whole thing through a couple times before making any observations.  At this point you're looking to get an overview of the passages (wide angle).

It's probably best to start a WORD doc or something to keep all your work in.  Then copy and paste your best work when you post. Then comment on at least one other person's post (and any others that you want to).

Post your material by next Sunday.

Here are the TOP TEN tips for making good observations:

10. Report what is said, not what is inferred
9. Look for repetition/variations/possible patterns
8. Use different lenses: wide angle and zoom
7. Don’t just repeat the text; observe what it says and how it says it
6. Note major changes in form and content
5. When possible, make charts/lists
4. Raise questions
3. Be cautious of generalizing
2. Make your observations a variety of lengths
1. Don’t hesitate to state the obvious
0. Note the verse(s) you are making observation about


  1. Exercise 1


    Matthew 28

    Vs 18 Jesus says he has been given all authority
    in heaven and on earth.

    Vs 19 Go into the nations and make disciples, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    Vs 20 Instruct them (who?) to watch that I have told you. I am with you.

    Mark 16

    Vs 15 Proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

    Vs 16 Those who believe and is baptized will be saved.

    Vs 17 Those who believe cast out demons and speak in tongues.

    Vs 18 They (who?) will pick up serpents with their bare hands and drink poison and won't be harmed,they (who?) will heal the sick.

    Luke 24

    Vs 44 Everything in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and Psalms must be fulfilled in me (Jesus).

    Vs 45 He (Jesus) opened their (who?) minds to the Word.

    Vs 46 Christ to suffer and rise on the 3rd day.

    Vs 47 Forgiveness and repentance should be preached in the nations.

    Vs 48 You (we?) are witnesses.

    Vs 49 I (Jesus) am sending my Father's promises to you (who?)Stay in the city until you are filled with power(who?)

    John 20

    Vs 21 Peace be with you says Jesus I am sending you (who?) as the Father sent me.

    Vs 22 He said to them (who?) receive the Holy Spirit, as He breathed on them.

    Vs 23 Forgive the sins of others if you (who?)
    withhold forgiveness from any it is withheld.

  2. great job very detail and over view my should be posted by midnight tonight

  3. Post 1
    This is long and the site won't let me post all of it so I'm put up 4 posts. Each one is slightly different because I changed how I did things for each chapter.

    Observations for Matthew 28
    The Resurrection: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, the angel of the Lord, the guards, Jesus

    The Marys:
    The Marys went to the tomb
    They went after the Sabbath, on the first day of the week around dawn
    They ran and told the disciples what they saw at the tomb with fear and joy as instructed by the angel of the Lord
    They were greeted by Jesus
    They worshipped Him at His feet

    The angel of the Lord
    The angel descended from heaven to the tomb with a great earthquake
    He rolled back the stone at the tomb and sat on it
    He looked like lightning and his clothes were white like snow
    He spoke to the Marys and told them not to be afraid. He told them that Jesus wasn’t in the tomb and had risen. He gave them instructions to go to Galilee to tell the “disciples” about Jesus, that He’s gone before them and they will see Him there

    The guards:
    They feared the angel, trembled and fell like dead men when the angel showed up
    They were given no instruction to not be afraid

    Met with the Marys
    Told them not to be afraid. He told them to go the Galilee, tell the “brothers” that He’ll see them there.

    The Report of the Guard: guard (soldiers), chief priests (elders), Jews
    The guard (soldiers):
    While they (the Marys?) were going
    Guards went into the city
    Reported to chief priests (elders) what had happened
    Took money and did as instructed

    The chief priests:
    Met with soldiers and counseled them
    Told them to tell people that Jesus’ body was stolen by His disciples at night while they were asleep.
    Will keep guards out of trouble if governor gets wind of it.

    The Jews:
    Story laid out by chief priests above is spread among the Jews to this day.

    The Great Commission: the disciples (11), Jesus
    The disciples:
    Went to a mountain in Galilee where Jesus told them to go
    They worshipped Jesus when they saw him
    Some doubted

    Told disciples that He now had all authority in heaven and on earth
    He instructed them to make disciples of nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and HS, and teach them to observe all they were commanded by Jesus
    He is always with them till the end

  4. Post 2

    Observations on Mark 16
    The Resurrection: Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome, “young man”

    The Marys:
    Past the Sabbath, early on the first day of the week
    They went to the tomb with spices to anoint “Him”
    Wondered how they would roll the stone back, but noticed it was already rolled back
    Notice a “young man” in white sitting on the right when entering the tomb
    Fled from the tomb, trembling and astonished
    Did say anything to anyone because they were scared

    The “young man”:
    Dressed in white sitting on the right of tomb
    Spoke to the Marys saying not to be alarmed. Said Jesus had risen. Go tell the disciples and Peter that Jesus it going before them to Galilee and they’ll see Him there.

    Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene: Jesus, Mary Magdalene, “they”
    Rose early on first day of the week
    Appeared to Mary Magdalene who he cast 7 demons

    Mary Magdalene:
    Saw Jesus
    Told those He had been with who were mourning that He was alive.

    They :
    Didn’t believe Mary
    Jesus Appears to two disciples: Jesus, two disciples, “the rest”

    After the previous things
    He took on another form and appeared to two disciples

    Two disciples:
    On their way to the country
    Saw Jesus in a different form
    Told “the rest”

    “The rest”:
    didn’t believe the two disciples

    The Great Commission: Jesus, the 11
    Afterward, appeared to the 11
    Rebuke them for not believing those who saw Him and said He had risen
    Instructed them to proclaim the gospel to the whole world.
    Said those who believe will be save and those don’t won’t
    Those who believe will be accompanied by signs: cast out demons, speak in tongues, pick up serpents, drink poison and not die, heal the sick
    After speaking He ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Father
    Worked with disciples

    The 11:
    Rebuked by Jesus for unbelief
    Preached the gospel everywhere
    Confirmed message with signs
    The Lord worked with them

  5. Post 3

    Observations on Luke 24
    The Resurrection: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary mother of James, and other women (they), two men, apostles, Peter

    They (all the women named above):
    First day of the week at dawn went to tomb with spices
    Didn’t find Jesus and were perplexed
    Frightened by two men who stood by them
    Remembered Jesus words
    Told the 11 and the rest

    Two men:
    Dressed in dazzling apparel
    Reminded the ladies that Jesus had risen

    The apostles:
    Didn’t believe the ladies; thought they made it up

    Went to tomb
    Saw the linens by themselves
    Marveled at what happened on the way home

    On the road to Emmaus: Two men (one named Cleopas), Jesus
    Two men:
    On the same day as the Resurrection scene
    On their way to Emmaus
    Talking about what had happened
    Kept from recognizing Jesus when He came near
    Conversed with Jesus about the days happenings and what was supposed to happen to Him
    Asked Jesus to stay with them
    Broke bread with Jesus and recognized Him
    The told the 11 and the rest that Jesus had risen and what had happened to them on the road

    Came along side the two men
    Conversed with them about the days happenings and educated them about what was supposed to happen to Him
    He kept the men from recognizing Him till they broke bread

    Jesus appears to His Disciples: Jesus, disciples
    Stood among the disciples as they were discussing what happened
    Proved to them the He was who He said He was by having them touch Him and see His hands and feet
    He asked them for food and ate it
    He told them that all the things written about Him had to be fulfilled. He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. Told them it was written He would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day; that repentance and forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations. The disciples were witnesses to it and the promise was coming. He told them to not leave the city till they received the power.

    Talking about the days happenings
    Startled by Jesus; though He was a ghost
    They gave Him fish to eat when He asked

    The Ascension: Jesus, disciples
    Led the disciples out to Bethany
    Blessed the disciples
    Went to heaven

    Worshipped Jesus
    Returned to Jerusalem happy
    Blessed God in the temple

  6. Post 4 - the last one Praise God!! :)

    Observations on John 20
    The Resurrection
    Who: Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, the other disciple
    Where: the tomb
    When: first day of the week, early while still dark
    Went to tomb and noticed stone was gone
    Ran to get Simon Peter and the other disciple say the Lord wasn’t in the tomb and she didn’t know where they laid Him

    Ran to tomb reaching it after the other disciple
    Went in tomb and saw linen clothes laying there along with head cloth folded separately by itself
    Didn’t understand the Scriptures that Jesus was to rise from the dead
    Went back to his home

    The other disciple:
    Reached tomb first before Peter but didn’t go in
    Looked inside tomb and saw the linen lying there
    Went inside tomb after Peter, saw and believed
    Didn’t understand the Scriptures that Jesus was to rise from the dead
    Went back to his home

    Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene
    Who: Jesus, Mary Magdalene, two angels
    Where: outside the tomb
    When: after disciples left
    Stood outside weeping while looking in the tomb
    Saw two angels sitting where Jesus was at the head and the foot
    Explained to them why she was crying
    Turned and saw Jesus thinking He was the gardener. Asked if He knew where the body was
    Recognized Jesus when He said her name
    She went and told the disciples that she’d seen and spoke to the Lord

    The two angels:
    Sitting where Jesus’ body was–one at the head and at the foot
    Asked Mary why she was weeping

    Asked Mary why she was weeping and who she was looking for
    Called her by name
    Told Mary not to hold on to Him because he hadn’t ascended and to tell the “brothers” that He’s gong to ascend (to His and your Father–God)

    Jesus Appears to the disciples
    Who: Jesus, disciples, Holy Spirit
    Where: someplace with doors locked
    When: evening of first day of the week
    Came and stood among the disciples saying “Peace be with you”
    He them His hands and His side
    Said “Peace be with you” again and that He was sending them like the Father sent Him.
    He breathed on them and told to “receive the Holy Spirit”
    Told them if they forgive anyone’s sins they are forgiven; it not they won’t be

    In locked room in fear of the Jews
    Were glad when they saw the Lord

    Holy Spirit:
    He showed up to be received

    Jesus and Thomas
    Who: Jesus, Thomas, the disciples
    Where: same locked room
    When: 8 days later
    Showed up like before saying the same thing
    Told Thomas to touch his wounds and to believe
    Said he believed because he saw but blessed are those who believe and haven’t seen

    Wasn’t with disciples when Jesus showed up the first time
    Didn’t believe the disciples when they told him what happened
    Said he wouldn’t believe unless he touched His wounds

    The disciples
    Told Thomas that Jesus showed up
    Were in locked room with Thomas when Jesus showed up the second time

    The purpose of this book
    Who: Jesus, disciples, you
    Did many other sign in front of the disciples not written in book

    Witnessed Jesus’ signs

    Things written so that you’d believe who Jesus is and have life in Him

  7. One more post. This one will be short–promise! ;)
    Comment on post by Pauly and Sandy above
    Nice and short...I like it.

  8. Matthew 28
    6. An angel tells the Marys that Jesus has risen.
    10. Jesus tells the disciples to "not be afraid".

    Mark 16
    6. A young man tells the Marys that Jesus has risen.
    11. Mary told them (disciples?) that Jesus was alive, they did not believe.

    Luke 24
    6. 2 men told them(Marys?) that Jesus has risen.
    39. Jesus appears to the disciples and allows them to touch him to see that he is real and has indeed risen.

    John 20
    2. Mary sees that Jesus is gone but thinks he's been taken and moved somewhere.
    11-16. Mary is never told that Jesus has risen, instead He appears before her.
    29. Jesus tells Thomas that others do not need to see him to believe that he has risen.

    I ended up focusing on the Resurrection 'cause I just listened to Pastor Jim's sermon and that is what is standing out to me.

  9. Matthew 28
    Visit to the Tomb
    • Mary Magdalene and other Mary visit the tomb
    • Angel tells “the Marys” to tell Jesus’ disciples, there you will see him in Galilee (28:7)
    • Jesus reveals himself to “the Marys”
    • Jesus tells “the Marys” to tell my brothers, there you will see me in Galilee (28:10)
    Deception of Jews
    • Guards took money to tell the Jews that Jesus’ disciples took His body
    Disciples Visit Jesus
    • Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them (28:16)
    • And when they saw Him they worshipped Him, but some doubted. (28:17)
    • There is unbelief even after seeing Him
    Message of the Great Commission
    • Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (28:19)
    • Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (28:20)
    Mark 16
    Visit to the Tomb
    • Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome visit Jesus’ tomb
    • Young man dressed in white robe tells the women to tell Jesus’ disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee. There you will see Him (16:7)
    Jesus Reveals Himself-Unbelief to Belief
    • Jesus reveals Himself to Mary of Magdelene (16:9)
    • Mary M. reports to disciples, but they do not believe
    • He appeared to two more in the country (16:12)
    • He appeared to eleven as they sat reclining at table (16:14)
    • Jesus rebukes them for their unbelief (16:14)
    Message of the Great Commission
    • Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation (16:15)
    • Those who believe will be saved, unbelief condemns (16:16)

    Luke 24
    Visit to Tomb
    • “They” visit the tomb (who?)
    • There are two men in “dazzling apparel”
    • The women tell the account to the disciples but they do not believe
    • Peter runs to the tomb to confirm account (Luke 24:12)
    Jesus Reveals Himself-Unbelief to Belief
    • Reveals himself to two
    • Reveals himself to eleven
    Message of the Great Commission
    • Repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem

    John 20
    Visit to the Tomb
    • Mary Magdalene visits the tomb
    • Mary M. tells Peter and the one whom Jesus loved about the situation
    • The two disciples visit the tomb to confirm Mary’s report
    • Mary encounters two angels
    • Jesus reveals himself to Mary
    • Mary reports her encounter with Jesus to the disciples
    Jesus Reveals Himself-Unbelief to Belief
    • Jesus reveals Himself to the disciples
    • Disciples must see his wounds to “believe” it is Him-When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. (20:20)
    • Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe (20:25)
    • It is only when they can see physical proof that they believe
    • Eight days later his disciples were inside again…Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” (20:26)
    Message of the Great Commission
    • As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you (20:21)

  10. Sandy - I love how your asking the questions of WHO exactly Jesus is talking to

    Inger - these observations are amazing! I love how you broke it down by various characters and listed all the details...excellent work!

    Roy - Good start man...sometimes it does help to zero in on something, like the resurrection

    Christine - Great stuff! I like how you note the verse because you will be able to refer back easily to your observations later

  11. These are Lily's observations: (great work Lily, as usual)

    Matthew 28
    Time of the event was specified - after the Sabbath, at dawn , first day of the week v.1 What does this time of event implied? Why the women came to the tomb in this time of day?
    CAUSE EFFECT angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came v.2 great earthquake
    fear of an angel v.4 guards trembled and became like dead men
    disciples met Jesus v.9 took hold of his feet and worshiped Him

    These phrase are repetitious: go and tell his disciples/brothers v.7,8,10,19
    Mark 16
    Time of the event was specified – the Sabbath was past, very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen v.1&2
    Why did the women brought spices? What is their problem as they reach the tomb?
    saw a young man dressed in white robe v.5 they were alarmed
    the disciples were afraid v.8 they said nothing to anyone
    the disciples unbelief and hardness of heart v.14 Jesus rebuked them
    those who believes in Jesus name v.17-18 will cast out demons, speak in tongues …

    Luke 24

    Time of the event was specified – first day of the week at early dawn. V.1
    The pronoun “they” was used in several occasions v.1,2,3,4,5,8 who are “they” pertains to?
    Who are the men they saw and were frightened of? V.5
    Who are these two disciples? V.13

  12. I have no idea if I'm doing this right...but here goes!!! Would love feedback, suggestions, criticism.

    Matthew 28:

    v. 1 Is “the other Mary” the mother of Jesus?

    v. 5 The angel told the women not to fear, but not the guards.

    v. 7 The angel told them to tell the disciples & that he (Jesus) was going before them and they would see him in Galilee. They actually saw him in v. 8 before they told the disciples.

    v. 10 Did Jesus want them to tell his actual brothers or his disciples?

    v. 11 – 15 What was their reasoning for covering this up? Would they have been in trouble if the truth had gotten out? Did they realize he was Messiah and were afraid because they had crucified him? Did they do it for the money? How did Matthew know what had taken place with the guard?

    v. 15 Do the Jews still believe this story to this day?

    v. 17 Why did some still doubt?

    v. 18 Is their “going therefore” directly related to all authority being given to Jesus?
    Did Jesus have all authority in heaven and on earth before the resurrection or was this a result of the resurrection?

    v. 19 Making disciples involves baptizing them and teaching them to observe all that Jesus has commanded.

    v. 20 What is the end of the age?


    Fear/Being Afraid: v. 4, 5, 8, 10

    See: v. 1, 6, 7, 10, 17

    Worship: v. 9, 17

    Mark 16

    v. 1 Was this Mary, Jesus’ mother? If so, why was Jesus not included in the list of her children?
    At the end of the verse, it doesn’t say who they are going to anoint.

    v. 2 – 8 Are describing what the women were doing first thing in the morning.
    v. 9 – 10 Are describing what Jesus was doing first thing in the morning.
    It’s almost as if we are seeing what happened from the women’s point of view and then looking at the same period of time from Jesus’ point of view.

    v. 5 Who is the “young man” sitting in the tomb?
    Is there significance in the fact that he was sitting on “the right side”?

    v. 6 The man did not ask them what they were doing there. He told them what they were doing there.

    v. 7 Why was there special mention of Peter apart from the disciples?
    “just as he told you” What did he tell them? When?

    v. 9 – 20 Why are these verses excluded from some of the earliest manuscripts?

    v. 9 Did he only appear to Mary Magdelene at this time?

    v. 11 Why didn’t they believe her?

    v. 12 What was the other form that he appeared to them as? What was the first form? Why were they different? Who were the “two of them”?

    v. 15 – 18 Is this (going into all the world & proclaiming the gospel, the signs that accompany, casting out demons, speaking in new tongues, picking up serpents, not being harmed by poison, laying hands on the sick) for all believers or just for the 11?

    v. 15 It says to proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Does this include trees, animals, rocks?

    v. 16 Cause & effect: If you believe and are baptized you’re saved. If you do not believe, you will be condemned. It doesn’t say whoever does not believe and is not baptized will be condemned.

    v. 17 Are the new tongues mentioned here the same as the “charismatic tongues”? Is this referring to speaking in new languages?

    v. 18 What is the significance of picking up serpents and not being harmed by drinking deadly poison? Why would they drink poison or pick up serpents? It seems a recurring theme in v. 18 is not being harmed by things that are harmful…death, sickness.

    v. 20 How did the Lord work with them if he had already ascended? What were the accompanying signs?


    Unbelief: 11, 13, 14

    Fear/Alarm: 5, 6, 8

  13. Luke 24:

    v. 1 Who is “they” that went to the tomb? What were the spices they had prepared? What was the purpose of the spices?

    v. 4 Who were the men?

    v. 9 Who were all the rest?

    v. 10 Who is Joanna? Is Mary the mother of James also the mother of Jesus? Who were the other women who were with them?

    v. 11 Why did the apostles not believe?

    v. 12 What did Peter believe had happened?

    v. 13 Who were the two of them? Why were they going to Emmaus?

    v. 15 How and why were their eyes kept from recognizing him?

    v. 18 Who is Cleopas?

    v. 21 Did they think that because he had been crucified that he was not Messiah? Was there significance to it being three days since the crucifixion?

    One recurring theme I’ve noticed is them being reminded of the scriptures and the words of Jesus. They are reminded by the angels in v. 6-7, by Jesus in v. 25-27, 44, 46-47.

    v. 30 and 35 I think it’s interesting that “breaking of bread” is symbolic of studying scripture. Jesus was known to them in the breaking of the bread.

    v. 49 What is the promise of the Father? What does it mean to be “clothed with power from on high”?

    v. 50 How far is Bethany from where they were?

    v. 53 How long were they in the temple blessing God?

    v. 50 – 53 Do all of these events take place on the third day, the
    day of His resurrection?


    Unbelief: 11, 25, 38, 41

    John 20

    v. 2 Who is “the other disciple”? Who is the “they” that she thought had taken the Lord out of the tomb?

    v. 5 Why didn’t he go in?

    v. 7 What is the significance of the face cloth being folded up in a place by itself?

    v. 17 Why did Jesus tell her not to cling to him because he had not yet ascended to the Father?

    v. 21 Jesus was sent by the Father and now he (Jesus) was sending them.

    v. 23 Is Jesus giving them the authority to forgive sins and to withhold forgiveness? What is the significance of this verse?

    v. 24 Why was Thomas called the Twin?


    Belief: 8, 27, 29, 31

    Unbelief: 25, 27

    Weeping: 11, 13, 15

    The doors were locked: 19, 26

    Jesus said “Peace be with you” three times: v. 19, 21, 26

    Showing the scars in his hands, feet and side: 20, 25, 27

  14. I really like Inger's observations. I love how she broke it down by what each person experienced and said.

  15. Aimee

    this is great...I love how you are noticing patterns and themes and not reading too much into the text. and really good questions. If there is one hint I would give you is that you should make more observations and ask less questions. Try to ask questions that can be answered by deeper digging into the text at hand.

    Very nice work!

  16. You are right! I started to feel that I was asking too many questions but wasn't sure. After reading other people's observations I see what you mean. Looking forward to the next assignment!

    Thanks for allowing a tardy Ohioan to join the group!!! :)
