Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Exercise 7: Living Sent

This has been an amazing semester.  Congratulation!  You've made it to the last step!

This is the most important step because it puts together all that we've learned and it helps us to apply it to our lives.

Write a brief essay about ways in which you are currently living out the Great Commission and ways in which you would like to grow and possibly implement new plans.  Remember that the Commission covers a lot of different aspects and you can write about any of them - discipleship, baptism, teaching, forgiveness, going, picking up snakes, drinking poison, etc.  Be very practical and include some measurable and attainable goals for yourself.

Great job everybody!  I will give you the entire month of December to finish your essay.  Post it on the blog when you're done so we can encourage each other and help hold each other accountable with our goals.

1 comment:

  1. How am I living out the Great Commission? Well, I signed up to be a GMO (Global Media Outreach) online missionary in August. I signed up to start sharing my faith again since I haven’t done it actively for quite awhile. The idea of sharing my faith online and with people all over the world is quite appealing. People at various stages in their walk with Christ come to the websites: people with questions and doing some investigation, people making decisions for Christ for the first time, people making recommitments and people who just want to grow in their faith. It’s quite exciting to help people in all these different ways. Helping people to grow in their faith is allowing me to grow in my faith.
