Sunday, October 23, 2011

Midterm Exam

This is an open-blog test :>)

True or False:

1) John is part of the Synoptic Gospels.

2) The epilogue (ending) of Mark is in question.  Different manuscripts offer different endings.

Multiple Choice:

3) Which Gospel's Commission offers the Trinitarian baptismal formula?
a) Matthew
b) Mark
c) Luke
d) John

4) Which Gospel's Commission emphasizes teaching and discipleship?
a) Matthew
b) Mark
c) Luke
d) John

5) Which Gospel's Commission relates forgiveness to spreading the Gospel?
a) Matthew
b) Mark
c) Luke
d) John
e) Luke and John

Please answer the following questions with a paragraph each:

6) Note some similarities and differences between the various Gospel traditions of the Great Commission.

7) As you have noticed, the Great Commission is set in the context of the Resurrection.  How does this affect the meaning of the Commission?  How are the two related?

Congratulations!  We are halfway through the semester!


  1. Hey Clay here is the answer's for ? 1-5
    1. True
    2. True
    3. A
    4. A
    5. E
    Ill anwer 6 and 7 on my next post have a great week

  2. Midterm Exam

    1. True

    2. True

    3. Matthew

    4. Matthew

    5. Luke

    6. Matthew and Mark talk about baptism as an important part of the commission. Matthew goes a step further in stating that it should be taken to the nations, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Luke and John speak about how important it is to forgive. Luke goes into detail and explains that forgiveness should be proclaimed in all the nations.

    7. The Great Commission of teaching, preaching and reaching the lost for the salvation of others is lived out in the Resurrection. Jesus died and rose for the lost,our salvation. The Resurrection and the Commission go hand in hand. How can one accept or believe the Commission without believing the Resurrection.

  3. 1. F
    2. T
    3. A
    4. A
    5. E

    6. Similarities:
    a. Matthew/Mark/John have Jesus telling the disciples to go to all nations and creation (John just uses the word send)
    b. Luke/John mention forgiveness as part the of the commission; they mention the Holy Spirit in some form
    c. They all to some extend are giving instructions to the disciples concerning the gospel and that the gospel will go out into the world

    d. Forgiveness – Luke it’s mentioned in relation to sin in the proclamation to the world while in John it’s mentioned as something that the disciples will be doing (giving and withholding)
    e. Matthew is the only one that talks about Jesus having the authority in heaven and on earth; mentions making disciples and teaching
    f. Mark mentions baptism and what believers will able to do
    g. Luke–Jesus had to remind the disciples what the scriptures said about Him; He tells them to wait for power from on high
    h. John–the disciples receive the Holy Spirit

    7. The meaning of the Commission being set in the context of the Resurrection effects it such that in order to have forgiveness of sin, Christ had to suffer, die and resurrect (Luke 24:46-47). 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 says “… that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,…” and further says in verse 17 “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” Since Christ died for our sins and we receive forgiveness for our sins through His death and resurrection (our belief in what He’s done for us) that is what must be taught and preached.

  4. 1) False
    2) True (different manuscripts do offer different endings, though I don’t believe the veracity of the accounts are in question.)
    3) Matthew
    4) Matthew
    5) Luke and John

    6) The Commissions in Matthew (v18-19), Luke (v49), and John (v21) each contain a statement of Jesus’ authority and a subsequent delegation of that authority to his disciples. The Commission in Mark (v15) appears to only contain a direct command. The Commission in Mark (v16-18) describes how to identify believers and their expected response, while none of the other three Gospels appear to describe this. Matthew (v19), Mark (v15), and Luke (v47) instruct the disciples on where to spread the Good News: “the whole creation.” The Commission in John does not make this clear. The Holy Spirit is promised to the disciples in Matthew (v 20), Luke (v49), and John (v22) while it is not explicitly stated in Mark.

    7) The Great Commission is the initial instruction given to Jesus’ followers in light of the resurrection (Matthew v18). It is the truth of the resurrection which gives Jesus the authority and credibility to give us our assignment, and instruct us on where and how to execute it (Luke v45). Without the resurrection, Jesus is a well-intentioned crazy man making suggestions. The resurrection makes it a command. The resurrection is the General’s fifth star. It is what gives him undisputed authority over our lives and complete control of our destiny. Further, the resurrection emboldens Jesus’ followers by demonstrating the truth behind our mission.

  5. Inger - great point in Question 6 about Luke apparently containing the only Commission where Jesus cites Scripture.

    Sandy - I agree with your point in the last sentence of your answer to question 7. It seems you can't have one without the other!

  6. You guys did an amazing job on this exam! I really learned a lot by reading your answers! Very proud of you guys and I am sure you are more familiar with the Great Commission than you have ever been before. Our next steps will get you even more familiar!

    Answers to the Midterm (those of you who were able to meet on a Sunday a few weeks ago had an advantage on the first two questions)

    1) False (Matthew, Mark, and Luke are Synoptic Gospels because they "appear together" to have similar information in a similar fashion and seem to have similar source(s). John's Gospel shares some common material but is different because he focuses on different things and is more theological.)

    2) True

    3) A - Matthew

    4) A - Matthew

    5) E - Luke and John

    6) You all had great comparisons!!! Amazing actually!

    7) Good observations as well concerning the Commissions being set in context of the Resurrection. The Resurrection is our impetus and catalyst for being SENT. It is our motivation and it is also the content of our Faith. The resurrection is the defining moment of the Gospel, and the life we have in Christ comes through the resurrection.

    Great work everybody!
